1. "Could I get a refill on my coffee, please?" (커피 리필을 부탁드릴 수 있을까요?)
  2. "Do you have any dairy-free milk alternatives?" (유제품 플리 미 치아 대안이 있나요?)
  3. "Are there any daily specials today?" (오늘의 특별한 할인 메뉴는 있나요?)
  4. "Is there an outdoor seating area available?" (실외 좌석이 있나요?)
  5. "Can I order a takeout?" (포장 주문할 수 있을까요?)
  6. "Are there any power outlets available for customers?" (손님을 위한 콘센트가 있나요?)
  7. "Could you recommend a dessert to pair with my coffee?" (커피와 어울리는 디저트를 추천해 주실 수 있을까요?)
  8. "Is it possible to make my sandwich without mayonnaise?" (마요네즈 없이 샌드위치를 만들 수 있을까요?)
  9. "Are pets allowed in the café?" (카페에 애완동물을 데리고 올 수 있나요?)
  10. "Do you offer any loyalty programs or rewards for frequent customers?" (자주 오는 손님들을 위한 어떤 충성도 프로그램이나 혜택이 있나요?)
  11. "Could I have a glass of water, please?" (물 한 잔 주실 수 있을까요?)
  12. "Do you serve breakfast all day?" (하루 종일 아침 식사를 제공하나요?)
  13. "Can I customize my order?" (주문을 개인 맞춤형으로 할 수 있을까요?)
  14. "Is there a minimum order requirement for delivery?" (배달을 위한 최소 주문 요구 사항이 있나요?)
  15. "Do you offer any vegan options?" (비건 옵션을 제공하나요?)
  16. "Could I see a menu, please?" (메뉴를 볼 수 있을까요?)
  17. "Is there a children's play area in the café?" (카페에 어린이 놀이 공간이 있나요?)
  18. "Do you have any recommendations for a hot beverage?" (뜨거운 음료로 어떤 것을 추천하시나요?)
  19. "Can I order a slice of cake to go?" (케이크 한 조각을 포장 주문할 수 있을까요?)
  20. "Are there any outdoor seating heaters available?" (외부 좌석용 히터는 있나요?)
  21. "Could I have a decaf cappuccino, please?" (디카페인 카푸치노를 주문할 수 있을까요?)
  22. "Do you offer any flavored syrups for the coffee?" (커피에 넣을 수 있는 맛있는 시럽이 있나요?)
  23. "Can I have my coffee iced instead of hot?" (커피를 따뜻한 것 대신 차갑게 줄 수 있을까요?)
  24. "Is there a power outlet near the seating area?" (좌석 근처에 콘센트가 있나요?)
  25. "What's the difference between a macchiato and a latte?" (마끼아또와 라떼의 차이가 무엇인가요?)
  26. "Are there any pastry options available for breakfast?" (아침에 먹을 수 있는 페스츄리 옵션이 있나요?)
  27. "Can I order extra whipped cream on my hot chocolate?" (핫 초콜릿에 휘핑 크림을 추가로 더 주문할 수 있을까요?)
  28. "Do you have any sugar alternatives like honey or stevia?" (꿀이나 스테비아 같은 대체 설탕이 있나요?)
  29. "Is it possible to split the bill between two cards?" (영수증을 두 장의 카드로 나눌 수 있을까요?)
  30. "Could I have a to-go cup, please?" (테이크아웃 컵으로 주문할 수 있을까요?)
  31. "Do you have any dairy-free alternatives for milk?" (우유 대체제로 유제품이 없는 옵션이 있나요?)
  32. "Can I have a small size for the latte?" (라떼를 작은 사이즈로 주문할 수 있을까요?)
  33. "Is it possible to have my coffee extra hot?" (커피를 더 뜨겁게 만들 수 있을까요?)
  34. "Are there any gluten-free pastries available?" (글루텐 프리 페스츄리가 있는가요?)
  35. "Can I pay with a mobile payment app?" (모바일 결제 앱으로 결제할 수 있나요?)
  36. "Do you offer free refills on coffee?" (커피 리필은 무료로 제공하나요?)
  37. "What time does the café open in the morning?" (카페는 아침에 몇 시에 문을 열나요?)
  38. "Is it possible to reserve a table for a group of four?" (4인용 테이블 예약은 가능한가요?)
  39. "Could I get a warm croissant, please?" (크로와상을 따뜻하게 줄 수 있을까요?)
  40. "Is there outdoor seating available?" (실외 좌석이 있나요?)


Unit3 국제정치 분야 원문


Europe in Afghanistan

Published: July 1, 2011

PARIS — President Obama has announced his decision to withdraw 10,000 troops from Afghanistan this year and 23,000 in 2012. For the U.S. president, the elimination of Osama bin Laden and two-thirds of Al Qaeda’s leaders, the untenable cost of the conflict ($118 billion this year alone), and the relative success of recent operations mark a turning point in the war that began in the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001.

파리 미국 오바마 대통령은 올해 아프카니스탄에서 병력 1만명을, 2012년에는 23천명을 철수한다고 발표했다. 미국 대통령의 입장에서는 오사마빈라덴과 알카에다 지도부의 2/3 제거한 상황에서 주둔비용(올해만 1180 달러) 상대적으로 성공한 최근 작전들의 결과에 따라 2001 9.11 테러의 여파로 시작된 전쟁의 전환점을 찍은 셈이다.

Motivated mainly by considerations of domestic politics, the decision seems to have little connection to the logic of the counterinsurgency strategy prevailing since 2009. This strategy, coupled with a marked increase in Special Forces operations and drone strikes in Pakistan as well as Afghanistan, has undoubtedly contributed to a weakening of the insurgents.

결정은 주로 미국 내의 정치적 고려에 의한 것이며 2009 이후 기조를 이루고 있는 대반란 전략의 논리와는 관계가 없어 보인다. 전략은 특히 특수전 전력 증대와 무인비행기를 이용한 아프가니스탄 파키스탄 공격과 더불어 반란군의 세력을 약화시키는데 분명히 성공한 것으로 보인다.


The Taliban have been forced to reduce their hold on the south. The reconstruction effort — notably of the Afghan security forces, along with the justice system and local governance — has improved, albeit insufficiently. Moreover, the Americans have recognized the need for making preliminary contacts with the Taliban that may lead to peace negotiations.

탈리반들은 아프가니스탄 남부의 지배권을 상실했다. 아프간 경찰과 사법시스템, 지방자치 등의 재구축노력은 부족하나마 진척을 보이고 있다. 게다가 미국은 탈리반과의 평화협정 가능성을 타진하기 위한 예비접촉의 필요성을 인식하고 있다.

What can France do to help? First, we must ensure a strict adherence to our commitments. We intervened early on in Afghanistan, in support of the United States. We acted to defend our security interests, which were threatened by a state that had become a haven for international terrorism, and also to promote the humanistic values at the heart of our foreign policy.

프랑스의 역할은 무엇이 될까? 우선 우리는 기존 역할에 충실해야 한다. 우리는 일찌감치 미국을 지원하여 아프간에 참여해 왔다. 우리는 국제 테러의 거점이 되어버린 국가로부터 우리의 안보이익을 방어하고 우리 외교정책의 핵심 기조에 인도적 가치를 증진시켜야 한다.


< 개인적으로 통번역 공부할때 사용한 원문과 번역내용입니다.>


아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.





Task 1 – Why do teachers need to evaluate their students’ English?

  Teachers need to evaluate their students English so they can check students’ understanding at the end of the lesson. It reviews what they have learned and can chase up their study progress. It gives the students a reason to be motivated, knowing that the teacher is analyzing them to see if they are improving.


Task 2 – What reasons might students have for studying for formal or external tests of English?

There are many reasons to study for formal or external tests of English. These tests are TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS. People who want to get a grade in TOEIC and IELTS generally need to have communication skills for employers or immigration authorities. People who want to get a grade in TOEFL and IELTS academy want to enter universities. Most students have to give the universities in the U.S. a TOEFL score and the universities in England and Australia need a score from IELTS academy.


Task 3 – List the different types of testing and evaluation tools that a teacher can use:

1.     Placement tests – These tests have to list questions from easy to difficult ones in order. This way teacher can check their language ability and progress.

2.     Progress tests – It has to be done frequently and includes a balance of all four skills which are reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Grammar and vocabulary as well. Regular tests check progress and levels.

3.     Diagnostic tests – These tests are similar in content to placement tests, but are more extensive. They are often used to evaluate existing knowledge.

4.     Practice tests - These are like the format and the structure of external examinations.

5.     Tutorials – They can be with the whole group or with individual students. These include discussion at the end of the lesson. So they know and understand the lesson well.

6.     Evaluation by the students – To allow the students to evaluate the course is very useful. They can give the teacher feedback about their course and advise improvements.

Task 4 – What would you include in a thirty minute progress test for a group of beginners, making sure that you were testing all four skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening)? Give a detailed outline of the test you would construct, with examples.




10 minutes


- dialogue

A: Hello?

B: Hello. Does Helena live in here? She’s my friend.

A: I don’t know. Can you describe Helena? Has she got a child?

B: No, she has not.

A: Does she like taking photos?

B: No, I do not think so.

A: Does she like playing computer games?

B: Yes, she does.


A.    Listen to the conversation and look at the picture.

<10 questions>

1.      Which flat is Helena in?




10 minutes


Read the text and describe Chris’s apartment.

A.     Write down to about questions.<5 questions>

e.g. 1.What is the main sentence?

B.    Tick true or false.<5 questions>

1.      Chris has wardrobes.    T / F






Describe your house.



During the reading and writing test


A.    Give a student some questions about the topic.

< 3 questions>

1.      Describe your room.





아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.





Task 1 – State the advantages and disadvantages of authentic and created materials. Which kind of materials would you favour for a class of intermediate students? Why?


Authentic materials are real materials, such as programs, magazines, newspapers, songs, poems, brochures, menus and more. They are able to give the students confidence and use real life situations. On the other hand, they cannot focus on detailed grammar for the lesson.

Non-authentic materials are designed by the teacher for the level of the students. For example, there are crosswords, word searches, puzzles, gap fills activities and so on. The students can understand well using these materials. However, they cannot use them in real life and they may be bored. This type of material depends on the creative skill of the teacher.

For intermediate students the lesson needs to use authentic and non-authentic materials, because these levels of students are able to understand a large range of issues. They have a lack of vocabulary and grammar, so the teacher needs to use authentic materials for basic learning, at the same time when the teacher finds weaknesses of the student. This part needs to use non-authentic materials to improve their ability.


Task 2 – What do you consider to be the advantages and disadvantages of using course books with a class?


Using course books with a class has advantages. It lets the students and the teacher be comfortable in a class, because the students expect course books. The course books allow continuity and progression in a class. It has a balanced mix of grammar, vocabulary and skill work as well. Books provide a lot of ideas for the inexperienced teacher, and they can consume their lesson easily. On the other hand, it has disadvantages. It has a lack of specific needs for all the class members. The students could get bored and might be unwilling to use it. In addition, it makes the teachers lazy, and there is no opening for creativity.


Task 3 – How can the teacher use the course book to maximum effect?


To use a course book to maximum effect teachers should not use the book for the whole lesson. Teachers have to think about looking at a range of methods that could be used for their group, and see which is the most suitable, or which items will motivate their students. Also teachers should judge the book critically, the teacher has to find the differences and difficulties from the course book so that teacher is able to make the lesson good for the students. Therefore, when using the course book, teachers need to use supporting materials in the lesson. The book does not have all the solutions for the lesson.




아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.





Task 1 –Give a brief description of the differences between accuracy and

fluency activities:


Accuracy activities are focused on producing correct language, whereas fluency activities are focused on allowing the student to be creative with the language. The importance of accuracy and fluency are equal. The controlled activities focus on accuracy in the study stage. There is drilling which is a 3 by 3 drill and also prompting. This method can reduce mistakes by repeating.

Creative communication activities concentrate on fluency in the activate stage. There are many methods which are; free role-play, discussion, information gap, debates, simulations and communication games. It lets the students be more creative.

The guided activities focus on accuracy and fluency in the study stage. The accuracy is larger than the fluency, because of the study sequence. It has model dialogues and guided role-plays for example.


Task 2 – Give examples of ways that the teacher can encourage students to speak and interact during a lesson:


A lot of students can appear unwilling to speak in the classroom. There are a variety of reasons for this, such as lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, peer intimidation, lack of interest in the topic, previous learning experiences and cultural reasons. To overcome these reasons teachers have ways to encourage students to take part. One of the ways is grouping, such as pair or group work. It can help students get over fear or low confidence. The next is to change the classroom dynamics, if the students are uninterested in the class, making a change can engage and change from low to high interest in a topic from the students. I think a good is for the teacher to allow students time to think about what they are going to say. It can give the students confidence, encouragement and elicit interest. They will then focus on the lesson.


Task 3 – What additional issues does the teacher have to consider for a writing activity?


A teacher should consider handwriting, spelling, layout punctuation, and creative writing for a writing activity. Handwriting is a personal issue but may influence the reader so the students should try to improve handwriting so that it is understood. If the spelling is wrong often, the reader will think that the writer has a low education. Some languages have completely different punctuation and layout due to these students have to learn from the teacher. Creative writing allows students to show their own style and write something spectacular.


Task 4 – Think of two traditional games that could be adapted for the classroom and details of how you would use them (these games should not include any of those mentioned in the course unit):


- King Simon game

If you become king, you can order anything from anyone. People will follow your order. For example, if King Simon says bark like a dog then everyone else must bark like a dog. When the teacher finds the last person to do what Simon said, the last person is out.


- Two letter game

After making a circle, when the teacher says two letters, the students have to make a word and put their hand on the center table or floor at the same time. The letters can be placed anywhere on the word. The last student to place hand will be out. For example, when the teacher said ‘ab’, all students speak together to make a word, such as ‘abstract’, ‘about’ and put a hand on the table or floor. The last speaker is out.


아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.





Task 1 –Describe the different specialist skills needed for reading and

listening successfully:


To read and listen successfully we need five skills. The first is a predictive skill. This can guess the content without details. The second skill is scanning. We can quietly get what we want from specific information. So we don’t need to read and listen to the whole content. The next is the skimming skill. This part finds the gist in the content. We need to get a general understanding of the content but we don’t have to concentrate on a total, single word. The next is detailed information. Sometimes we need to understand everything in detail. The last skill is deduction. Occasionally we need to deduce the meaning of each word or phrases from the context. Most words have literal meanings or they include the metaphoric meanings so we have to know about various meanings and catch them.


Task 2 –Look at the reading comprehension questions and the gap-fill exercise on page 7 of the unit. Numbers 1 to 4 are already given. Provide four more of your own that would check your students understanding of the reading material:


1.     Reading comprehension questions:


5) What do police officers carry in England?

6) What is the traditional style in America?

7) What color do police officers wear in France?

8) Which country can all police officer use a gun?


2.     Gap-fill exercise (This should be in the form of four sentences with a separate list of  ‘gap-words’):



saddle,   horses,   a uniform,   the hats,   coat



5) Police in most countries must wear ___________.

6) In England, ___________ of police women are shorter with a checked pattern printed on their hat.

7) Some police officers ride ___________ on the street.

8) The horses wear a special ___________ and ___________.


Task 3Find an authentic reading text of your choice online appropriate for an upper-intermediate class, and using the blank lesson plan that you should have received, devise a full ESA lesson plan that revolves around the text.

As always, complete all sections of the lesson plan, as well as the procedure.


Include all exercises and worksheets when submitting your lesson plan.


Teacher:    Eunsil Choi

Room:                     A

Observer:       n/a

Expected numbers:  8~10

Date & Time:  18th Apr 2014 13:00~14:00

Class level: upper-intermediate


Extending knowledge of new vocabs through the topic


Teaching aids:  text, worksheets(exercise A,B,C)

Learner objectives:

For students be able to know new vocab and information about this topic.

Personal aims:

To improve my lesson timing.

Anticipated problems for students:

When the students debate exercise C with partner, if they feel it is hard to speak the answers,


The teacher will study together.

Anticipated problems for teacher:

If the students are not match working with partner,


The teacher will be together.






T makes pairs.

T asks Ss to talk about fruits and vegetables.

T writes down answers from Ss on the board.

T elicits the topic from Ss and introduces what they are going to learn today.





T writes down target language on the board.

e.g. nutrition / recommendation / disease / healthier / dietary habits / mortality / benefits / groups / risk / supermarkets / canned fruit / salt / dietician / wealthier / lifestyle.

T asks Ss to chat about the target language with the partners.

T elicits target language from Ss.

T drills by a way of 3 by 3.




T gives Ss text sheet.

T asks Ss to read text in 3mins.

T asks Ss to find main sentences with the partners.

T gets the answer from Ss.

T assigns two groups (group A, group B).

T divides text into two parts (first part, second part).

T asks group A to discuss first part.

T asks group B to discuss second part.

T gets Ss to discuss it in 3mins

T makes new pairs from each group.

T asks Ss to share what they have read and discussed with their former group members.

T monitors and gives Ss feedback.







T gives Ss the handout from exercise Bs comprehension questions.

T asks Ss to find the answer of exercise B.

T points a student in order to get the answers.

T gives Ss feedback.





T gives Ss the handout of phrase match exercise A.

T asks Ss to find the answers in 3mins.

T gives Ss the answers on the board.

T gives Ss feedback.





T assigns pairs(A&B)

T gives Ss exercise C about fruit and vegetables discussion.

T gives S As questions to student A.

T gives S Bs questions to student B.

T asks Ss to discuss with their partners.

T takes notes and gives Ss feedback.








For many years, the nutrition message has been "five a day" – the recommendation that five portions of fruit and vegetables are enough to keep disease at bay and help us to live longer. That advice has been revised upwards. A new study suggests that people who get seven or more portions a day are healthier. Researchers from University College London studied the dietary habits of 65,000 adults over a seven-year period. They concluded that: "A robust inverse association exists between fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality, with benefits seen in up to 7-plus portions daily." In other words, if you eat more fruit and vegetables, chances are you live longer.

The researchers put people into five different groups, depending on how much fruit and veg they ate. They found that those who ate seven or more portions a day had a 42 per cent lower risk of death than those who ate just one portion. They recommended that schools serve healthier meals and that supermarkets put more emphasis on prominently displaying cheaper produce. They warned that frozen and canned fruit was linked to higher mortality rates. Some experts say the findings of the study should be taken with a pinch of salt. One dietician said the findings ignored the fact that people who eat more fruit and veg are generally wealthier and thus lead lifestyles that will help them live longer anyway.


Exercise A

PHRASE MATCH:  (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)


enough to keep disease


that will help them




higher mortality rates


A robust inverse




In other


at bay


chances are you


a pinch of salt


depending on how much




a 42 per cent lower


fruit and veg they ate


canned fruit was linked to


live longer


…should be taken with


risk of death


lead lifestyles


association exists

Exercise B



1. For how long has a message been "five a day"?

2. What do fruit and vegetables keep at bay?

3. How many people's dietary habits did researchers look at?

4. What was there an inverse association between?

5. Where were benefits seen?

6. Into how many groups did researchers put people?

7. How much lower was the risk of death with a "seven a day" diet?

8. Who did the researchers recommend serve better meals?

9. What should be taken with a pinch of salt?

10. Who leads healthier lives because of better lifestyles?

Exercise C



STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)


What did you think when you read the headline?


What springs to mind when you hear the word 'nutrition'?


Do you follow the five-a-day recommendation?


Will you eat more fruit and veg from now on?


How healthy or unhealthy is your diet?


Is it better to eat what you really like, even if it's unhealthy?


Is it easy or difficult to eat seven types of fruit and veg a day?


Should we all become vegetarians?


Do people take notice of studies like the one in the article?


What do you do to make sure you live longer?


STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)


Did you like reading this article? Why/not?


How can governments encourage people to eat more healthily?


Should schools stop selling fast food?


What responsibility do food shops have to promote healthy eating?


Will you take this study with a pinch of salt?


What are your favourite fruits and vegetables?


What is the grammar rule for when we say "fruit" and "fruits"?


Is the tastiest food the unhealthiest food?


Why are richer people generally healthier?


What questions would you like to ask the head researcher?

아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.




Task 1 –  Imagine you are a student in the class on the CD-ROM.  How would you have felt during:

1)    Lesson one?

If I was a student in lesson one, I would feel bored. It didn’t look fun, and the teacher wasn’t interested in teaching. He didn’t give the students praise or feedback in his class. Therefore, I wouldn’t want to study English in his class.


2)    Lesson two?

If I was a student in lesson two, I would feel interested in learning English and I would think learning English is fun. The teacher was relaxed and the class had a good atmosphere.


Task 2 – Which lesson was the more effective?  Why?


I would like to choose lesson two as being more effective. There are many good ways which show the teachers good behavior such as pair work, worksheets and interesting activities, it is better than lesson one. At the beginning of the lesson the teacher started with a smile and introductions between the teacher and the students. During the lesson he used pair work to solve worksheets and at the end of the lesson he gave them an interesting activity to review expressions and vocabulary that had been learned.


Task 3 – What main differences did you note between lesson one and two in the following areas?


1)    The teacher’s attitude to the students:

The teacher’s attitude is not approachable in the lesson one. However, the teacher in lesson two is active, enthusiastic and approachable so the class is more active.


2)    The students’ attitude towards the teacher:

The students’ attitude is nice and respectful in lesson two and the students are concentrating on the teacher, because he is lively and fun. Otherwise in lesson one the students are not interested in what he has to say and do not respect the teacher, as he looks bored and uninterested in what he is teaching.


3)    Student participation:

In lesson one the teacher didn’t give the students any talking time, they are just listening to him. In lesson two the teacher elicits answers from the students and they feel comfortable during class time.


4)    The teacher’s voice (clarity, complexity, speed etc.):

In lesson one the teacher’s voice is not clear. He mumbles and speaks quietly. There is no complexity and the speed was slow and boring. However, the clarity of his voice in lesson two is good and friendly. The complexity and the speed are very good as well so the class pay attention to what he is saying.


5)    The teacher’s instructions and explanations:

In lesson one the teacher’s explanations are not good enough and are not detailed. His instructions were not clear. Some students did not understand. Lesson two had clear instructions and explanations so the students understood what to do and participated.


6)    Monitoring of the students:

There was little monitoring of student, such as eye contact in lesson one and he did not pay attention or give feedback, but in lesson two he monitored and stood in front of the class. He kept eye contact and gave feedback to the students. He also elicited answers from students for interaction, and class participation.


Task 4 – Using the blank lesson plan that you should have received, create the lesson

plan that you think the teacher followed in the second lesson on the CD.

Please include your aims, context, expected number of students, and all the other

boxes at the top of the blank lesson plan form, as well as the full procedure.

Teacher:    Mark

Room:                    A

Observer:       n/a

Expected numbers: 8~10

Date & Time:  15th Apr 2014 & 18:00~19:00

Class level:  Elementary

Context: Review animals and learn about can, cannot (can’t).

Teaching aids:  picture cards, worksheets(gap fill, sentence making, blank worksheets)

Learner objectives:

The Students can express the ability of animals using auxiliary verb (can, cannot).

Personal aims:

When I teach this lesson, I am going to use more gestures and speak loudly.

Anticipated problems for students:

If they feel the lesson is hard this lesson.


I am going to make pair work for activities (worksheets).

Anticipated problems for teacher:

There are a lot of materials in the lesson. It will be messy.


I am going to prepare a lot of materials in order.





Introduction of teacher, greet each other.

Make pairs.

Get Ss to write down animals’ names on blank paper in 2minuates.

e.g.  T : How many names of animals did you write down?

Order how many animals and make a competition between groups..


Ask Ss to say their animal names.

Write down answer if Ss do not remember animal

Gives Ss hints using gestures.

Show flash cards and explain features to elicit a lot more names of animals.




Show action verbs using gestures to elicit answers from Ss.

e.g. walk, swim, fly, climb, run, jump





Write sentences on the board to elicit ‘can’ ‘cannot’ from Ss.

e.g. A bird can fly.

      A walrus can’t fly.

Drill sentences from all and individual students. (3 by 3)

Emphasize ‘can’t ‘.

Give praise and feedback.




Remove ‘can’, ’cannot’

Make pairs and give Ss a gap fill worksheet about ‘can’, ‘cannot’ and instruction.

Ask Ss to say answer and give Ss feedback.

Ask Ss to turn over worksheet to recheck expressions.




Ask Ss to say expressions.

e.g ‘T: I want two things that a penguin can do.’

      ‘Ss: A penguin can swim. A penguin can jump.’

Give Ss worksheet about pictures and sentences and give Ss instructions.

Make pairs and work together.

Ask Ss to say answers.




Show an imaginary animal picture to students.

Explain what his imaginary animal what can do.

Ask Ss to draw imaginary animal with partner in 7mins

Ask Ss to explain what they can do.

Give Ss feedback.





Task 5 – How would you change/adapt lesson two to make it more effective still?


I think lesson two has too much teacher talking time. I would like to allow more student talking time. Although there was pair work in the lesson, there was no group work. During the activate stage if the teacher includes group work, it would be better. I also think that there should be more stimulating materials such as audio-visual equipment.


Task 6 – What level do you think the students are?

               Was the language point appropriate for this level?


I think both of the lessons are elementary. In both lessons students understood what they are being taught in their lesson, but language point is not appropriate because it looks like the students in the lessons knew about modal verbs already. During the lesson the teacher should have taught another expression such as ‘could’, as a level higher would have been more appropriate for them.

아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.





Task 1 – Why do teachers plan their lessons? Why is planning important?


Lesson planning is important for inexperienced and experienced teachers. Especially, a new teacher, who needs to advise a formal lesson plan because it is difficult for a first teacher to remember everything. Lesson plans can give direction and allow a teacher to follow steps.

  A lesson plan can be supportive information about what the students achieve and get at the end of the lesson, and it assists you to carry on and gives you something to mention during the lesson. In addition, a lesson plan can be recorded as evidence of what has been done and which materials have been used, or if you cannot teach, it will help another teacher to cover your classes.



Task 2 – *** Choose 1 ***

Using the blank lesson plan that you should have received, plan a straight arrow ESA lesson from the materials towards the end of unit 5 (Unit 5, task 2 materials).  The materials are entitled Where have you been.


Using the second blank lesson plan that you should have received, plan a patchwork style ESA lesson using the materials at the end of unit 5 (Unit 5, task 3 materials).  The materials are entitled Possibilities.



Please include your aims, context, expected number of students, and all the other boxes at the top of the blank lesson plan form, as well as the procedure.


Teacher:    Eunsil Choi

Room:                     A

Observer:       n/a

Expected numbers: 10

Date & Time:  14th Apr 2014  10:00~10:35 am

Class level:  Elementary.

Context: Revision of country vocab and new expressions about the present perfect simple.

Teaching aids:  flash cards, worksheets, big map, projector work cards.

Learner objectives:

For the students to be able to accurately use the present perfect simple about experiences.

Personal aims:

To say instructions clearly.

Anticipated problems for students:

The students do not know the past participle well.


T gives Ss hints.

Anticipated problems for teacher:

Students are not interested in an activity


T gives Ss the ability to use language in real life in the engage stage.






T puts the world map on the board and gives Ss names of countries.

T asks Ss to match them.





T asks Ss to check countries using the pen.

e.g. Where have you been?

T mentions the necessity for the vocab in real life.




T elicits the past participle from Ss.

T shows example e.g. eat = eaten

T gives the handout about the past participle questions on page 13.

T asks Ss to check answers in 2mins.

T drills the past participle pronunciation on page 13.





T elicits the present perfect simple from Ss.

T introduces the topic and write down

e.g. have you been to Japan?

      Yes. I have/ No. I have not

T drills sentences Q&A by 3 by 3 drilling.





T gives Ss a separated sentences worksheet to match complete sentences.

e.g. 1. Have you ever shared -------your food with a pet?

       2. Have you ever been ---------to Japan?

T monitors Ss and gives Ss feedback.





T gives Ss the handout exercises B on page 13

T asks Ss to check answers on page in 2mins.

T monitors Ss and takes notes of their mistakes.

T gives Ss feedback from the above activity.





T pairs Ss and gives them the worksheet questions on page 10.

T asks Ss to complete answers in 2mins.

T lets Ss talk to each other without the worksheet.

T monitors Ss while they are talking.





T gives Ss homework and marks off Ss progress diaries.






아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.





Task 1 – What criteria do we need to consider when selecting vocabulary?


When a teacher selects vocabulary they need to consider how appropriate the students and to the tasks are, and the teacher should choose the words that the students frequently use including coverage and if they will use them in their daily life.



Task 2 – What does a student need to know about a vocabulary item?

Give examples to clarify your ideas.


Students need to know about ‘meaning’, ‘use’, ‘word grammar’, ‘interaction, ‘spelling’ and ‘ pronunciation’ of vocabulary.


Vocabulary item: important.

- Meaning: of great significance or value.

- Use: e.g. It is important to understand this situation.

- Word grammar: Adjective.

- Interaction: It is used after a verb

             e. g. Trees are important to us all, wherever we live around the world

                       Before a noun and it modifies nouns.

               e. g. an important official

 - Spelling: I.M.P.O.R.T.A.N.T

 - Pronunciation: [ɪm|pɔ:rtnt]  It sounds like ‘important’


Task 3 – What do students need to know about grammatical structures?

Give examples to clarify your ideas.


Students need to know about ‘meaning’, ‘use’, ‘forms & patterns’ and ‘spoken and written form’ of grammatical structures.

 Grammar item: past used to (do)

 - Meaning: It happened regularly in the past but it no longer happens

 - Use: For something that was true but is not true anymore.

 - Forms & patterns: There is no present form.

                                  You cannot say “I use to do.”

                                  To talk about the present, use simple present (I do)

 - Spoken & written form: It uses the same in spoken & written form.



Task 4 – *** Choose 1 ***

Choose one topic below and plan any ESA lesson for a language level

of your choice


1.      to cover vocabulary connected with the topic of food

2.      for the present continuous tense:

3.      be sure that the function is appropriate for the language level you choose


Level: Beginner

Context: To know about food, I am going to use flash cards and words and expression of how to order food.

Learner Objectives: For students to be able to order food and know the names in a restaurant.



T asks Ss their favourite foods.

T writes names of foods on board.



T elicits names of foods using flash cards from Ss.

T introduces target language using flash cards and word cards.

e.g. fish & chips, noodles, sandwich, pizza, pasta, sushi.

T drills words by 3 by 3 method.

T gives the worksheet including pictures and words.

T asks Ss to match pictures and words.

e.g. picture ------- word

T monitors and gives feedback.

T gives Ss instructions about the whisper game.

- Make two lines up and put flash cards on the board.

The first students take stick. The last students show a word. The last student start to whisper to next student and it keeps going down line. The first student points to answer. Faster pointer will get one point.



T makes pairs.

T writes expressions of how to order in a restaurant on the board.

e.g. A: May I help you?

       B: Can I have noodles!

T drills sentences.

T asks Ss to talk to each other for some time.

T monitors and gives students feedback.


아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.




When answering the tasks here please refer to any experience you have had in the classroom, or experiences you have noted while observing another teacher, as either a student or onlooker.


Task 1 –How can a teacher use his/her physical presence and voice in the



The teacher can use eye-contact, gesture and voice in a class. These things help to concentrate on the students during class time. When the teacher uses gesture and voice, the students can understand a new topic well. Using a gesture especially reduces teacher talking time, while student talking time can be increased. On the other hand, when the teacher processes student-centred activities, the teacher should avoid eye-contact, because this time needs pairs/groups working together without the teacher. Using a gesture should be clear in meaning. The voice has clarity, range and variety or projection as well.


Task 2 – Is there a best seating arrangement for a class? 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various seating plans?

I think the best seating arrangement for a class is on orderly row because this arrangement includes many good things from circles and horseshoes and separate tables. However, this way has disadvantages too.

First, orderly row means that the teacher has a clear view of all the students and all the students can see the teacher. In larger classes of twenty five or more students this is often the best and only solution. This is a teacher-centred method. It is useful to do eye-contact also. This can work in pair or groups, but students in the back cannot participate easily. Secondly, circles and horseshoes are often used in smaller classes, and students can focus on the lesson. It is useful for pairs, and they can have eye-contact with each other, but it can work for small classes. Thirdly, a separate table is useful for group work activities. However, it can create discipline problems, and the teacher cannot make eye contact with students.


Task 3 –List the different student groupings that a teacher can use

Give advantages and disadvantages for each:

One of the student groupings is the whole-class grouping. This group gives students a sense of belonging among the group. It will be quicker and easier organization. However, it reduces opportunities for students to speak, especially shy students.

Second grouping is students working on their own. This is less stressful for the student, but impedes possibilities for student to student interaction and group belonging.

  Third is pair work. Pair work dramatically increases opportunity for student talking time and student to student interaction, and allows stronger students to help and support weaker ones it, also allows students to divide responsibility for work and removes the burden from the individual. However, it can be rather noisy. Students may try to retune back to their native language and avoid using English.

  Fourth is group work. Like pair work, it can visibly increase student talking time and student to student interaction. During the group work, there might be personal problems. This way can make students cooperate in English, but sometimes it is noisy. Some members may control and the passive students may not get reasonable opportunity to participate.


Task 4 – How can the teacher reduce unnecessary teacher talking time (TTT)

and increase student talking time (STT)?


  To avoid unnecessary TTT, the teacher should choose the language carefully, for explanations and instructions. Avoiding TEFL jargon, using gestures, mime or pictures is useful. Not extra elaborating is important, the teacher should keep it simple. In addition, using language that is the level of the class being taught is important. If the teacher uses pair work and group work during the lesson, the student talking time will be increased, and the students can build relationships.



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