아래의 내용은 호주에서 테솔수료증을 준비할때 작업한 WORKSHEET 자료 입니다.




When answering the tasks here please refer to any experience you have had in the classroom, or experiences you have noted while observing another teacher, as either a student or onlooker.


Task 1 –How can a teacher use his/her physical presence and voice in the



The teacher can use eye-contact, gesture and voice in a class. These things help to concentrate on the students during class time. When the teacher uses gesture and voice, the students can understand a new topic well. Using a gesture especially reduces teacher talking time, while student talking time can be increased. On the other hand, when the teacher processes student-centred activities, the teacher should avoid eye-contact, because this time needs pairs/groups working together without the teacher. Using a gesture should be clear in meaning. The voice has clarity, range and variety or projection as well.


Task 2 – Is there a best seating arrangement for a class? 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various seating plans?

I think the best seating arrangement for a class is on orderly row because this arrangement includes many good things from circles and horseshoes and separate tables. However, this way has disadvantages too.

First, orderly row means that the teacher has a clear view of all the students and all the students can see the teacher. In larger classes of twenty five or more students this is often the best and only solution. This is a teacher-centred method. It is useful to do eye-contact also. This can work in pair or groups, but students in the back cannot participate easily. Secondly, circles and horseshoes are often used in smaller classes, and students can focus on the lesson. It is useful for pairs, and they can have eye-contact with each other, but it can work for small classes. Thirdly, a separate table is useful for group work activities. However, it can create discipline problems, and the teacher cannot make eye contact with students.


Task 3 –List the different student groupings that a teacher can use

Give advantages and disadvantages for each:

One of the student groupings is the whole-class grouping. This group gives students a sense of belonging among the group. It will be quicker and easier organization. However, it reduces opportunities for students to speak, especially shy students.

Second grouping is students working on their own. This is less stressful for the student, but impedes possibilities for student to student interaction and group belonging.

  Third is pair work. Pair work dramatically increases opportunity for student talking time and student to student interaction, and allows stronger students to help and support weaker ones it, also allows students to divide responsibility for work and removes the burden from the individual. However, it can be rather noisy. Students may try to retune back to their native language and avoid using English.

  Fourth is group work. Like pair work, it can visibly increase student talking time and student to student interaction. During the group work, there might be personal problems. This way can make students cooperate in English, but sometimes it is noisy. Some members may control and the passive students may not get reasonable opportunity to participate.


Task 4 – How can the teacher reduce unnecessary teacher talking time (TTT)

and increase student talking time (STT)?


  To avoid unnecessary TTT, the teacher should choose the language carefully, for explanations and instructions. Avoiding TEFL jargon, using gestures, mime or pictures is useful. Not extra elaborating is important, the teacher should keep it simple. In addition, using language that is the level of the class being taught is important. If the teacher uses pair work and group work during the lesson, the student talking time will be increased, and the students can build relationships.





The Golden Axe and Silver Axe


There was a hardworking and honest woodcutter in a small village. 

One day, the honest woodcutter went into the forest to cut some wood.  He was using his axe to cut a tree, the axe slipped from his hands and fell into the pond. He was crying because he didn't know what to do. 


The spirit appeared from the pond and asked him “why are you crying?” and the woodcutter said “My axe fell into the pond. I can’t cut tree without the axe.” The spirit felt sorry for the woodcutter. So the spirit went into the pond and came back with a golden axe and asked the woodcutter, "Is this golden axe yours?" The woodcutter replied, "No, that is not my axe."  The spirit went back into the pond and came up again with a silver axe this time. He asked, "Is this silver axe yours?". The woodcutter replied again, "No, that is not my axe."  So, the spirit went back into the pond third time and came back with an old steel axe.  He asked the same question to the woodcutter. "Is this your axe?"  Now, the woodcutter replied, "Yes, that is my axe."  The spirit was deeply moved by woodcutter’s honesty and he said “You’re very honest. I will give you all three axes as a reward.” The honest woodcutter lived happily ever after.





Adapted from: http://kin.naver.com/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=13&dirId=130106&docId=136211541&qb=6riI64+E64G87J2A64+E64G8&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=5&search_sort=0&spq=1&sp=1




Character; Woodcutter, Mountain spirit (puppets)

Location; A pond, forest, tree (flash cards)

Other objects; Gold Axe, Silver axe, old steel axe (flash cards)


*materials have attached



Questions for the gold and silver axes to be used in the lesson

1. Who was crying? (a woodcutter)      

2. Why was woodcutter crying? (because he dropped his old steel axe into the pond)

3. Which axe did the spirit bring first? (golden axe)

4. What does the woodcutter used for cutting a tree? (old steel axe)

5. How many axes are in this story? (3, golden, silver and old steel axes)

6. Who said “Is this gold axe yours?” (the mountain spirit)

7. When the spirit asked him whether gold and silver axes were his or not, what did he said? (He said both of them are not his) 

8. What did woodcutter get from the spirits at last?

(He’s got gold axe, silver axe and his old steel axe)

 9. What do you think how the woodcutter feel after he got three axes?(happy, Ss’ own answer)

10. How would you feel if you dropped an axe into the pond? (sad, Ss’ own answer)

11. Why do you think the spirit gave the woodcutter three axes? (honest, Ss’ own answer)

12. What is this story trying to tell? (be honest, Ss’ own answer)



Materials for follow up activity

projector, board marker, work sheet, answer key, dice


Procedures and instructions

1. Recap target language


1) honest – what is the woodcutter behavior?

2) axe/axes – what is the woodcutter using?

3) woodcutter – who fell old axe into a pond?

4) the spirit – who gave the woodcutter three axes?on

5) gold –which colour is first axe, when the spirit appeared?

6) silver – which colour is second axe, when the spirit appeared?

7) steel – which axe is his own axe?

8) pond – where is the spirit appearing?

9) tree/forest – what is the woodcutter cutting?

Direct speech

10) “Why are you crying?” when the woodcutter fell his own axe into a pond, what dose the spirit say?

11) “Is this yours?” – what dose the spirit say when he appeared from a pond?

12) “No, it’s not my axe” when the spirit gave the woodcutter gold and silver axes. What dose he say?

13) “Yes, that is my axe.” When the spirit gave the woodcutter an old steel axe , what dose he say?


2. Introduce the crossword activity that students are going to fill up

Look at me. What is this? (crossword work sheet) Do you like crossword?


3. Give instructions to fill the word boxes

Read the instruction and have a look at clues. Here is an example. What is this? Can anyone guess? Write down the correct word in right box.


4. Give feedback

Check your answers with your partners. Now check your answers and spelling from the board. (projector)


5. Give instructions and demonstrate how to do the activity.

- Now listen carefully and look at me.(worksheet is on T’s chest)

- There are pictures with names, numbers and alphabets.

- What is this? (Dice) I will give you dice. You have to roll a dice and tick 1 picture on each line-A, B, C, D and E. For example, if you roll ‘2’, tick picture A2.  Continue with B, C, D and E.

- T group the Ss.

- Now have a look at right hand side of the page, what do you see? (Sentences with missing word).

- Now you have to complete the sentences with the words from the picture you ticked. For example, what picture has a tick in ‘A’ column?


Can you roll the dice more than one time?

Can you fill any words in the gap?

- I will give you 2 mins. Go!


Monitoring (actively)

What is this? How does he gesture?


-T matches Ss from other groups and they tell their story.

- share your stories with Ss in the class.

- Practice  target languages by reading the sentences and CCQs before wrap up.


6. If time activity

Do one more round and make different story.

Share with class.


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